How to?

Very easily:

format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring),"-----------------------------------------|%s Stats|----------------------------------------------",name);
		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\nLevel:[%d] - Sex:[%s] - Age:[%d] - Cash:[$%d] - Bank:[$%d] - Ph:[%d] - Health:[%.1f] - Armor:[%.1f]",coordsstring, level,atext,age,cash,account,pnumber,health,armor);

		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\nUpgradePoints:[%d] - ArmorUpgrade:[%d] - Respect:[%d/%d] - PlayingHours:[%d] - Walkie Talkie Channel : [%d]",coordsstringpoints,shealth,exp,expamount,ptime);

		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\nJob:[%s] - JobLevel:[%d] - CrimesCommited:[%d] - TimesArrested:[%d] - Kills:[%d] - Deaths:[%d] - Disease:[%s]",coordsstring, jtext,jlevel,crimes,arrests,kills,deaths,dtext);
		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\nMarriedTo:[%s] - BiggestFish:[%d] - WantedLevel:[%d] - Pot:[%d] - Crack:[%d] - Seeds:[%d] - Packages:[%d] - Crates:[%d]",coordsstring, married,bigfish,wanted,pot,crack,seeds,packages,crates);

		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\nGun parts:[%d] - Rope:[%d] - Blindfolds:[%d] - Cigars:[%d] - Sprunk:[%d] - ScrewDriver:[%d] - Scope:[%d]",coordsstring, mats,rope,blindfolds,cigars,sprunk,screw,scope);
		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\nOrganization:[%s] - Rank:[%s] - HouseID: [%d] - BusinessID: [%d] - GarageID: [%d] - Garage2ID: [%d]",coordsstring, ftext,rtext,hkey,bkey,GarageKey,GarageKey2);
		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\nBoomBox : [%d] - ATM Card : [%d] - Map : [%d] - Faction Card : [%d] - GoldBars : [%d] - RP Boosts : [%d] - VIP Rank: [%s]",coordsstring, boombox,ATMcard,MapBox,Fcard,GoldBars,RPBoosts,viprank);

		format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\nCommunity Helper : [%s] - Administrator : [%s] - Developer : [%s] - Beta Tester : [%s]",coordsstring, HelperYN,AdminYN,DevYN,TesterYN,FamedYN);

		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pHouseTicket] == 1)
                        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\n{FFFFFF}- You have a Free Custom House Ticket - Request it from an Admin using /report", coordsstring);
		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessTicket] == 1)
                        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\n{FFFFFF}- You have a Free Custom Business Ticket - Request it from an Admin using /report", coordsstring);
		if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicleTicket] == 1)
                        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\n{FFFFFF}- You have a free Custom Vehicle Ticket - Request it from an Admin using /report", coordsstring);

                        format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%s\n{00FF00}-----------------------------------------|End of Stats|----------------------------------------------", coordsstring);
                        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, yourdialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "your header", coordsstring, "button1", "button2");
Of course you must increase your coordsstring variable to min. 2048 cases.
If you can't (compilator error) you must create new variables, and at the end, do sth like this:
format(lastvariable, sizeof lastvariable, "%s%s%s", coordsstring, coordsstring2, coordsstring3);
And push lastvariable into ShowPlayerDialog

Messages In This Thread
How to? - by k2rl - 02.08.2015, 11:23
Re: How to? - by Midzi - 02.08.2015, 12:44

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