How to do it[+REP]

Hello guys,
So i got this code
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/vhealme", true) == 0)
	if(AccInfo[playerid][pVip] >= 1)
	SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_RED"[INFO]:"COL_LIME" You have been healed!");
	else SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_RED"[ERROR]:"COL_LIME" You aren't a V.I.P member!");
	return 1;
I want to get player's wanted level and if he is wanted I dont want this action to happen.Help me and u'll get repped

Messages In This Thread
How to do it[+REP] - by [SU]Spartan - 02.08.2015, 10:58
Re: How to do it[+REP] - by AIped - 02.08.2015, 11:04
Re: How to do it[+REP] - by Roberto80 - 02.08.2015, 14:44

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