I need a review

I will personally say I think it's a bit to blocky for my liking, it doesn't look HD I think is the way I would like to put it, but if its your first try I'd say you've got potential.

Messages In This Thread
I need a review - by Phyzic - 26.07.2015, 09:10
Re: I need a review - by SoFahim - 26.07.2015, 10:05
Re: I need a review - by GTLS - 26.07.2015, 10:35
Re: I need a review - by Konverse - 26.07.2015, 11:46
Re: I need a review - by iMTube™ - 26.07.2015, 12:58
Re: I need a review - by JonathanW - 26.07.2015, 13:59
Re: I need a review - by iFrame - 27.07.2015, 15:13
Re: I need a review - by Cifer♥4 - 27.07.2015, 16:08
Re: I need a review - by Vince - 27.07.2015, 16:39

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