їEs malo йsto...?

Originally Posted by RIDE2DAY
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Sн, pienso lo contrario... stock tiene una finalidad que he explicado mбs arriba, no se ha creado para decorar tu script por el amor al arte.

He visto que sabes inglйs, pбsate por aquн y verбs que no soy el ъnico iluminado.

Que te vaya bien.
Esperaba que revelaras ese tema, y como vez, yo tambiйn estuve ahн.

Obviamente, no leнste lo que puso Jay_ (Utiliza ****** Traductor si quieres).
Originally Posted by Jay_
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There are a couple of points in this topic that I disagree with.

Is there any evidence to suggest the use of stock has any impact on the code or performance whatsoever?

It was highlighted in a previous post that prefixing functions with "stock" is useful for searchability which is an important thing when we have such limited IDE's for PAWN.
Yes, you can add preprocesser defines for "function", but if the use of stock doesn't make a difference, why bother? Also, "function" is a very broad term - what about callbacks or mutator methods?
Y la evidencia de que es mejor? No tienes? Entonces, no puedes decir que es mejor, cuando nomas estas complicбndote la vida buscando la funciуn para editarlo.


A “stock” function is a function that the pawn parser must “plug into” the program when it is used, and that it may simply “remove” from the program (without warning) when it is not used. Stock functions allow a compiler or interpreter to optimize the memory footprint and the file size of a (compiled) pawn program: any stock function that is not referred to, is completely skipped — as if it were lacking from the source file.

Eso es lo que tambiйn hace "stock", ignorar lo que no se usa - no tiene nada que ver con lo otro.

Messages In This Thread
їEs malo йsto...? - by Unrea1 - 27.07.2015, 04:11
Respuesta: їEs malo йsto...? - by Swedky - 27.07.2015, 04:18
Re: їEs malo йsto...? - by TheMatius - 27.07.2015, 04:28
Re: їEs malo йsto...? - by SickAttack - 27.07.2015, 04:45
Respuesta: їEs malo йsto...? - by RIDE2DAY - 27.07.2015, 04:50
Re: Respuesta: їEs malo йsto...? - by SickAttack - 27.07.2015, 04:59
Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: їEs malo йsto...? - by RIDE2DAY - 27.07.2015, 05:03
Re: їEs malo йsto...? - by spell - 27.07.2015, 05:07
Re: Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: їEs malo йsto...? - by SickAttack - 27.07.2015, 05:10
Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: Re: Respuesta: їEs malo йsto...? - by RIDE2DAY - 27.07.2015, 05:18

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