[FilterScript] trablon's Group System[MYSQL-R7][THREADED QUERIES][GROUP TAG(scoreboard)]

Originally Posted by SpikY_
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EDIT: You better Create MySQL database, Some peoples Don't know how to create(INCLUDING ME)
I see but you could have used search bar for learning that.But it's not a problem..You can create it with these pics.

Originally Posted by newbienoob
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(topic link: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=485633 )

Click on Databases to create a new database.

Name your server database and click Create (In this tutorial will use "server" as our database)

After you click the Create button, you will notice your database has been created by looking at left side of your screen. Click your database to manage your table's name and column.

You will see this screen after you click your database. (More explanation in the image)

- After you click Go button, it will redirect to you the next page where you can manage your table's column.

Congratulations, you have created your database and table!

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