Vip car raimbow colors ?

Hey guys i was think and think about to make in my DM server if player is VIP his car change colors
but i dont know how to Script that
i tryed with timers etc etc and color changing of vehicle but nothing happends
all i can gave you is vip System
pawn Код:
if you can help me thanks

Messages In This Thread
Vip car raimbow colors ? - by Toxik - 22.07.2015, 13:33
Re: Vip car raimbow colors ? - by nezo2001 - 22.07.2015, 13:38
Re: Vip car raimbow colors ? - by TenTen - 22.07.2015, 14:13
Re: Vip car raimbow colors ? - by nezo2001 - 22.07.2015, 14:15
Re: Vip car raimbow colors ? - by SoFahim - 22.07.2015, 14:16
Re: Vip car raimbow colors ? - by nezo2001 - 22.07.2015, 14:17
Re: Vip car raimbow colors ? - by Igarashi - 22.07.2015, 15:15
Re: Vip car raimbow colors ? - by Toxik - 22.07.2015, 17:28

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