error 010: invalid function or declaration

Originally Posted by alexanderjb918
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C:\Users\ii\Desktop\roleplay.pwn(29915) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

CMD:gateopen(playerid, params[])
				if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == 265 || 280 || 281 || 282 || 283 || 284 || 288)
                if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,15,1533.4419,-1627.7628,13.4876))
                                MoveObject(lspdgate1, 1539.6418457031, -1634.3499755859, 12, 2);
                                MoveObject(lspdgate2, 1539.6418457031, -1621, 12, 2);
                    SetTimer("GateClose0", 3400, 0);
                else if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,15,1553.3512,-1628.0248,13.4897))
                    MoveObject(lspdgate3, 1549.2487792969,-1634.4000244141,12, 2);
                                MoveObject(lspdgate4, 1549.2487792969,-1621,12, 2);
                    SetTimer("PDEXIT", 3400, 0);
                else SendClientMessage(playerid, Message,"You are not a Police Officer");
    return 1;
This is the second time within 3 days you posts a problem like this.
Can you do me a favour and count all opening brackets(these things: { ) and all closing brackets(these: } ).
Now, common sense, if these 2 variables are not equal to eachother, what should you do then?

And please people of the samp community, dont just copy & paste his codings and post it back the right way. This way you can help him with basic stuff like this every day. Let him learn from this.(I'm looking at you Startukk)

Messages In This Thread
error 010: invalid function or declaration - by alexanderjb918 - 16.07.2015, 12:33
Re: error 010: invalid function or declaration - by Startukk - 16.07.2015, 12:39
Re: error 010: invalid function or declaration - by notime - 16.07.2015, 12:40

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