15.07.2015, 12:22
that's what i did mate, first creating boxes second texts, also have a look here
TextDrawDestroy: Destroy a textdraw.
TextDrawColor: Set the color of the text in a textdraw.
TextDrawBoxColor: Set the color of the box in a textdraw.
TextDrawBackgroundColor: Set the background color of a textdraw.
TextDrawAlignment: Set the alignment of a textdraw.
TextDrawFont: Set the font of a textdraw.
TextDrawLetterSize: Set the letter size of the text in a textdraw.
TextDrawTextSize: Set the size of a textdraw box.
TextDrawSetOutline: Choose whether the text has an outline.
TextDrawSetShadow: Toggle shadows on a textdraw.
TextDrawSetProportional: Scale the text spacing in a textdraw to a proportional ratio.
TextDrawUseBox: Toggle if the textdraw has a box or not.
TextDrawSetString: Set the text in an existing textdraw.
TextDrawShowForPlayer: Show a textdraw for a certain player.
TextDrawHideForPlayer: Hide a textdraw for a certain player.
TextDrawShowForAll: Show a textdraw for all players.
TextDrawHideForAll: Hide a textdraw for all players.
i made it 1 too
TextDrawDestroy: Destroy a textdraw.
TextDrawColor: Set the color of the text in a textdraw.
TextDrawBoxColor: Set the color of the box in a textdraw.
TextDrawBackgroundColor: Set the background color of a textdraw.
TextDrawAlignment: Set the alignment of a textdraw.
TextDrawFont: Set the font of a textdraw.
TextDrawLetterSize: Set the letter size of the text in a textdraw.
TextDrawTextSize: Set the size of a textdraw box.
TextDrawSetOutline: Choose whether the text has an outline.
TextDrawSetShadow: Toggle shadows on a textdraw.
TextDrawSetProportional: Scale the text spacing in a textdraw to a proportional ratio.
TextDrawUseBox: Toggle if the textdraw has a box or not.
TextDrawSetString: Set the text in an existing textdraw.
TextDrawShowForPlayer: Show a textdraw for a certain player.
TextDrawHideForPlayer: Hide a textdraw for a certain player.
TextDrawShowForAll: Show a textdraw for all players.
TextDrawHideForAll: Hide a textdraw for all players.
i made it 1 too