Why Your RP Server Always Fails


HMM, ISland Roleplay where you restrict vehicles to Sanchez, Quad, and that bumpy sand looking thing. Add in a casino on the island, etc. Expand as you go. Have a faction of men wearing black suits (skin 165) who are in the woods and a secretive faction whose main purpose is to ensure that nobody gets off the island. Script in a ship that comes and goes, delivering cargo. Script in custom jobs like island cleaners. Instead of Police, have Island security who DO NOT WEAR POLICE OFFICER SKINS but instead use the new relaxed off-duty officer skins or come up with something but restrict it for that faction only! Even the Cadet skin is good for this.

Your brief, most like 5 minute example actually sounds like a great way to start a server.. Imagine if you actually sat down and really thought about it. Could not agree more, people seem to just plagiarize scripts, copy LSRP's forum open a server and its gone within a few weeks.


Messages In This Thread
Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by HugoWorm - 14.07.2015, 07:44
Re: || Why Your RP Server Always Fails || - by Konverse - 14.07.2015, 08:09
Re: || Why Your RP Server Always Fails || - by Sublime - 14.07.2015, 08:17
Re: || Why Your RP Server Always Fails || - by AIped - 14.07.2015, 08:22
Re: || Why Your RP Server Always Fails || - by CounterTDM - 14.07.2015, 08:22
Re: || Why Your RP Server Always Fails || - by Krest - 14.07.2015, 08:30
Re: || Why Your RP Server Always Fails || - by Michael B - 14.07.2015, 09:16
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Diabloa - 14.07.2015, 10:57
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by DRUNKY - 14.07.2015, 12:41
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Kapersky™ - 14.07.2015, 13:56
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Hable - 14.07.2015, 14:20
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Jamester - 14.07.2015, 14:48
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Lorenc_ - 14.07.2015, 14:53
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Jake187 - 14.07.2015, 15:31
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Harold - 14.07.2015, 15:42
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by HugoWorm - 14.07.2015, 15:47
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Jake187 - 14.07.2015, 15:51
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Roberto80 - 14.07.2015, 15:53
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Jake187 - 14.07.2015, 15:53
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by HugoWorm - 14.07.2015, 15:55
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Jake187 - 14.07.2015, 15:59
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by HugoWorm - 14.07.2015, 16:05
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by markuss99 - 14.07.2015, 16:07
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Jake187 - 14.07.2015, 16:11
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by HugoWorm - 14.07.2015, 16:11
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by Calgon - 14.07.2015, 17:34
Re: Why Your RP Server Always Fails - by SchurmanCQC - 14.07.2015, 17:53

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