
Hi there. I have a problem on my server. Sometimes, I don't know after how much time.. The player VW is chaning to 1715.. I don't know why is this happening, I searched at "OnPlayerStateChange", "OnPlayerKeyStateChange" and "OnPlayerConnect".. How can I make a script that every time when a VW's player is changing to move the player to the VW 0 ? I tried something with >> getplayervirtualworld and setplayervirtualworld but didn't worked.. Annd, where do you think the script or the command is chaning the vw ?

Messages In This Thread
VW - by SpikeSpigel - 13.07.2015, 17:38
Re: VW - by acade - 13.07.2015, 17:44
Re: VW - by SpikeSpigel - 13.07.2015, 17:48
Re: VW - by acade - 13.07.2015, 18:33
Re: VW - by SpikeSpigel - 13.07.2015, 18:35
Re: VW - by Tamer - 13.07.2015, 18:40

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