Login deos not work.

Hello,my server is working fine for about a few hours,then,the login does not work.

1.They enter the anti bot code[captcha] and the image stays there,it does not do anything,its like freezing.

2. After 5-6 hours or more,the server is restarting.

If you can help me at 1 and then at 2,it is ok.
Something is wrong in my script,tell me what lines or public should i show you

Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Login deos not work. - by PepsiCola23 - 11.07.2015, 12:22
Re: Login deos not work. - by Michael B - 11.07.2015, 12:38
Re: Login deos not work. - by PepsiCola23 - 11.07.2015, 13:33
Re: Login deos not work. - by PepsiCola23 - 11.07.2015, 14:34

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