11.07.2015, 06:21
Okay so lets take a look..
Firstly, You're saying..
i = 0..
While i < 5001
You're then getting House Info[i]
i = 0..
You're basically telling it to destroy ID's that don't exist..
So It's looking through all "HouseInfo[i]"
an If It doesn't find a house that matches [i]..
It will stop an skip to the end...
You should define the maximum number of houses when a player logs in...
So when your server starts up..
It should count each house an assign an ID.
then you call the house ID its self..
So try this...
That's just guess code..
because I have no way of knowing how your enum / array structure is setup.
Firstly, You're saying..
i = 0..
While i < 5001
You're then getting House Info[i]
i = 0..
You're basically telling it to destroy ID's that don't exist..
So It's looking through all "HouseInfo[i]"
an If It doesn't find a house that matches [i]..
It will stop an skip to the end...
You should define the maximum number of houses when a player logs in...
So when your server starts up..
It should count each house an assign an ID.
then you call the house ID its self..
So try this...
PHP код:
for(new i = 0; i < HouseInfo; i++) {
because I have no way of knowing how your enum / array structure is setup.