11.07.2015, 04:32
- No Spam - If you are adding no useful information to a topic, you are spamming. This includes memes of any sort, especially in the more serious areas of the forum.
- Offensive Language - Do not insult, curse at, tease, or make offensive comments towards other members. This includes reputation messages, we can see who sent what.
- Don't Stir Up Arguments - Do not post religious, political or other controversial threads purely designed to cause arguments. Additionally do not "troll" other forum members in an attempt to anger them. Similarly, report trolls and do not respond to them.
I would advise looking through the comments before telling me these rules are not being violated. SickAttack by far is the best example to offer.
Irrelevant comments should be removed and probably the whole topic should be locked to stop arguments, honestly.
Rest in peace adr1.