writing names to file

It's hard to understand with what you want halp with. You said it doesn't work. Okay, what does not work - I mean, what happens and what you wanted to happen would be helpful.

I can see, you store eveything in a (very long) string + saving it to a file, what is good choice if you ask me. Alternativly you could save it only in file and every time you need string you read it from file, parse it and display it.

I am not sure I understood what you want this system to do. something like this: PlayerOne asks a question (or admin - main point a question is asked). Then, other players can answer them and their answers need to accepted. So, somehow answers (and names of the players that gave answers) need to be saved when players disconnect, or even when server is down.
For that reason you choosed to use file.
But can a single player respond to more questions, and how do you save answers? maybe this will direct you to right way of thinking.

Messages In This Thread
writing names to file - by maximthepain - 07.07.2015, 12:45
Re: writing names to file - by maximthepain - 07.07.2015, 15:59
Re: writing names to file - by Roko_foko - 07.07.2015, 17:26
Re: writing names to file - by maximthepain - 07.07.2015, 19:07
Re: writing names to file - by maximthepain - 08.07.2015, 10:18
Re: writing names to file - by Roko_foko - 08.07.2015, 11:42

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