What server I can create??

This is VPS what I want to buy and can you say me how many slots can I put and had no lag, how much teamspeake slots can I put and can I put SQL Database ?? http://prntscr.com/7pipbg

Messages In This Thread
What server I can create?? - by Cyber123 - 06.07.2015, 17:59
Re: What server I can create?? - by Vince - 06.07.2015, 19:59
Re: What server I can create?? - by Oh - 06.07.2015, 21:12
Re: What server I can create?? - by rymax99 - 06.07.2015, 22:39
Re: What server I can create?? - by Cyber123 - 12.07.2015, 17:46
Re: What server I can create?? - by MustangV10 - 15.07.2015, 13:35

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