Death System[rep]

Well I made it to what I wanted now, there is just one problem, is that the player is not landing(after death) at same place he died.... how can I do it?

and yes, I am using GetPlayerPos and SetPlayerPos in OnPlayerDeath still not helping.

Messages In This Thread
Death System[rep] - by GeorgeMcReary - 05.07.2015, 14:56
Re: Death System[rep] - by GTLS - 05.07.2015, 15:40
Re: Death System[rep] - by GeorgeMcReary - 06.07.2015, 15:16
Re: Death System[rep] - by Rockyyy - 06.07.2015, 16:32
Re: Death System[rep] - by GeorgeMcReary - 07.07.2015, 10:12

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