Some MySQL errors

Basicly, Your missing the '' plugin. This should be located in your plugin folder. If it isn't you may have the MySQL.dll plugin instead which is for Windows.

To fix the issue download the plugin, add to your plugins folder and run. Any further problems post here.

Messages In This Thread
Some MySQL errors - by Stanford - 25.06.2015, 13:23
Re: Some MySQL errors - by Michael B - 25.06.2015, 13:54
Re: Some MySQL errors - by stueycow - 25.06.2015, 16:09
Re: Some MySQL errors - by Stanford - 25.06.2015, 18:31
Re: Some MySQL errors - by Stanford - 25.06.2015, 18:55
Re: Some MySQL errors - by Stanford - 25.06.2015, 19:22
Re: Some MySQL errors - by muzammilfreeman - 25.06.2015, 19:50
Re: Some MySQL errors - by kyriakos587 - 25.06.2015, 20:16
Re: Some MySQL errors - by Stanford - 25.06.2015, 21:44
Re: Some MySQL errors - by Jake187 - 28.06.2015, 01:59

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