24.06.2015, 15:19
No, I want command "Usage: /myname [YOUR FORUM NAME]" so if you are admin you will type
/myname KillerDVX
and when some other player type /admins he will be able to see this
Admins online:
(ID: 231) Killer_Dvx (KillerDVX) (Admin level: 2) that is example.
(ID: 21) Tadija_Samp (025Tadija) (Admin level: 3) that is my name example
(ID: 10) Name_Surname (Admin level: 5) So. this guy didn't use /myname command, so there is no his FORUM name on /admins command..
I gues you understand it now?
/myname KillerDVX
and when some other player type /admins he will be able to see this
Admins online:
(ID: 231) Killer_Dvx (KillerDVX) (Admin level: 2) that is example.
(ID: 21) Tadija_Samp (025Tadija) (Admin level: 3) that is my name example
(ID: 10) Name_Surname (Admin level: 5) So. this guy didn't use /myname command, so there is no his FORUM name on /admins command..
I gues you understand it now?