23.06.2015, 10:30
An amx file cannot be converted to the original source code, because the compiler makes a lot of optimisations to reduce the amx file size and increase speed. Things like function and variable names are discarded when you compile a pwn file because pawn doesn't need to know what your function is named, it just needs to know where it is and how it should be called.
There used to be an AMX decompiler which was buggy/unhelpful (because of the above limitations) at best and at worst it just didn't work at all.
Side note, if you're asking this because you found/acquired/stole somebody's amx file, please don't be an asshole.
This is irrelevant. Includes are just that - included in the code that gets compiled.
There used to be an AMX decompiler which was buggy/unhelpful (because of the above limitations) at best and at worst it just didn't work at all.
Side note, if you're asking this because you found/acquired/stole somebody's amx file, please don't be an asshole.
This is irrelevant. Includes are just that - included in the code that gets compiled.