GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected

If the player wasn't on the server when GangZoneShowForAll was used it will not show the zone to him.
Otherwise it should show to everyone.

Edit: Misread the first post, sorry.

Messages In This Thread
GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by CoaPsyFactor - 22.06.2015, 13:05
Re: GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by Sawalha - 22.06.2015, 13:08
Re: GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by CoaPsyFactor - 22.06.2015, 13:13
Re: GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by Larceny - 22.06.2015, 14:40
Re : GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by KillerDVX - 22.06.2015, 17:13

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