GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected


So I have this little problem, using method GangZoneShowForAll doesn't show gangzone for everyone, instead it show it to only one player. I also tried to iterate through all zones when player spawns and then show them, but still it only show for first player connected to server.

Does anyone know what could that be?

Messages In This Thread
GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by CoaPsyFactor - 22.06.2015, 13:05
Re: GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by Sawalha - 22.06.2015, 13:08
Re: GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by CoaPsyFactor - 22.06.2015, 13:13
Re: GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by Larceny - 22.06.2015, 14:40
Re : GangZoneShowForAll Not working as expected - by KillerDVX - 22.06.2015, 17:13

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