Anti So.beit Hack

Originally Posted by rymax99
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Buying a listing in the SA-MP hosted tab isn't going to affect your servers DoS protection capabilities. That's completely reliant on the host/network you're on. I would first ensure that the attacks you're receiving is indeed a DoS attack and not a crasher.

While you can't autoban people for just using that program, you can detect some things it does, such as teleporting, airbreaking, health/armor hacks, money hacks, etc.
I saw on a server that if you got that program, server doesn't let you to get in. But it was on 0.3z, and now due to that server scripter said, this anti ****** won't work on 0.3.7. IDK how ...

Messages In This Thread
Anti So.beit Hack - by Rodri99 - 20.06.2015, 19:51
Re: Anti So.beit Hack - by Konverse - 20.06.2015, 19:59
Re: Anti So.beit Hack - by rymax99 - 20.06.2015, 21:38
Re: Anti So.beit Hack - by Alpay0098 - 20.06.2015, 21:47

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