Originally Posted by nickdodd25
I would think that the first one would be faster since inet_aton returns a integer. But something i just found out is you can add "explain" to the beginning of your query and it returns some helpful info.
pawn Код:
explain SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM some_table WHERE ip BETWEEN INET_ATON('') AND INET_ATON(''); //and explain SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM some_table WHERE INET_NTOA(ip) LIKE '45.166.%';
It will show how many rows were checked and it seems that the first one checked less rows so it should(might) be faster possibly. I could be wrong, its something i just found out lastnight.
Thanks for the "EXPLAIN" statement, I also took a look at "EXPLAIN EXTENDED" for
Originally Posted by Vince
Personally, I use the first one. But it must be noted that I select it from a humongous table which contains all CIDR ranges around the world, so the query usually looks something like:
PHP код:
SELECT country FROM iptable WHERE INET_ATON('x.x.x.x') BETWEEN range_start and range_end
There is no other way to do it because CIDR ranges could go from something like to
Alright, I'm going to use the first one as it was suggested by both of you - thank you for your replies.