Change this:
pawn Код:
INI_ParseFile(StationPath(s), "LoadStationData", false, true, s, true, false);
To this:
pawn Код:
INI_ParseFile(file, "LoadVehicleData", .bExtra = true, .extra = s);
And then add this somewhere in your mode:
pawn Код:
forward LoadVehicleData(stationid, name[], value[]);
public LoadVehicleData(stationid, name[], value[])
INI_String("XMName", XMRInfo[stationid][XMName], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
INI_String("XMStation", XMRInfo[stationid][XMStation], 96);
I don't really know how to use y_ini so it may or may not work.