Detecting if a player is infront or behind a player


How can I make functions such as:
IsPlayerBehindPlayer(player1, player2) - if the player is behind the player / looking at their back then it returns true, else false.
IsPlayerInfrontofPlayer(player1, player2) - Same as above but for the front.

Basically, I know it can be done by comparing facing angles but would they be the same? Or how else could I compare them to accurately return the desired result? Thanks for any help.

Messages In This Thread
Detecting if a player is infront or behind a player - by Puppy - 19.06.2015, 14:52
Re: Detecting if a player is infront or behind a player - by Lajko1 - 19.06.2015, 15:57
Re: Detecting if a player is infront or behind a player - by Lawbringer - 19.06.2015, 16:27

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