Dialog help :D

Originally Posted by Lajko1
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Well you can use listitem function at that callback..

pawn Код:
    case 0:
         // abc
Or I think you could use smth like that.. but I'm not so sure about that try it ^^

pawn Код:
if(listitem = M4A1)
That's correct. Rather than doing case 0, you can use case M4A1 if and only if M4A1 is defined as an integer. But in case of his code, it is not possible to do so.

PHP код:
#define M4A1    31

To answer the thread creator's question. In case of your dialog, the M4A1 is shown as the only item. Thus, there can only be one case and that's zero.

PHP код:
case 0

Messages In This Thread
Dialog help :D - by Kruno88 - 18.06.2015, 12:56
Re: Dialog help :D - by Lajko1 - 18.06.2015, 13:23
Re: Dialog help :D - by AndySedeyn - 18.06.2015, 13:25
Re: Dialog help :D - by nezo2001 - 18.06.2015, 14:00
Re: Dialog help :D - by Kruno88 - 18.06.2015, 14:07
Re: Dialog help :D - by Lajko1 - 18.06.2015, 15:04
Re: Dialog help :D - by Ritzy2K - 18.06.2015, 15:20
Re: Dialog help :D - by AndySedeyn - 18.06.2015, 15:47
Re: Dialog help :D - by Kruno88 - 19.06.2015, 12:48

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