17.06.2015, 11:41
At the top of your script create a new variable
Then you will need to give this variable a default value. Under OnPlayerConnect, set ReplyNotificatio equal to 1 (this will be the default)
Now you can use this variable inside your PM code. So, this would proabbly be at a PM command?
The code which says "use /r for quick response" needs to be wrapped in an If Statment, checking against the ReplyNotification.... see the code below
And thats it.
Ive used targetid instead of playerid as it would probably be the player that your sending the PM to, which is told to use /r rather than the player who sends the first message.
Hope that makes sense?
new ReplyNotification[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Every player now has a "ReplyNotification" variable available
Public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){ ReplyNotification[playerid] = 1; // Defaults set to 1 return 1; }
The code which says "use /r for quick response" needs to be wrapped in an If Statment, checking against the ReplyNotification.... see the code below
CMD:pm(playerid, params[]){ //CODE GOES HERE WHICH DOES PM STUFF if(ReplyNotification[targetid] == 1){ ReplyNotification[targetid] = 0; // Sets to 0, this will prevent this message being sent in the future SendClientMessage(targetid, COLOR, "Did you know? That you can use /r to reply quickly to PMs"); } return 1; }
Ive used targetid instead of playerid as it would probably be the player that your sending the PM to, which is told to use /r rather than the player who sends the first message.
Hope that makes sense?