Send a Message only once

At the top of your script create a new variable

new ReplyNotification[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Every player now has a "ReplyNotification" variable available
Then you will need to give this variable a default value. Under OnPlayerConnect, set ReplyNotificatio equal to 1 (this will be the default)

Public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){
     ReplyNotification[playerid] = 1; // Defaults set to 1
     return 1;
Now you can use this variable inside your PM code. So, this would proabbly be at a PM command?

The code which says "use /r for quick response" needs to be wrapped in an If Statment, checking against the ReplyNotification.... see the code below

CMD:pm(playerid, params[]){

     if(ReplyNotification[targetid] == 1){
          ReplyNotification[targetid] = 0; // Sets to 0, this will prevent this message being sent in the future
          SendClientMessage(targetid, COLOR, "Did you know? That you can use /r to reply quickly to PMs");
     return 1;
And thats it.

Ive used targetid instead of playerid as it would probably be the player that your sending the PM to, which is told to use /r rather than the player who sends the first message.

Hope that makes sense?

Messages In This Thread
Send a Message only once - by SecretBoss - 17.06.2015, 11:19
Re: Send a Message only once - by Darrenr - 17.06.2015, 11:41
Re: Send a Message only once - by SecretBoss - 17.06.2015, 11:52
Re: Send a Message only once - by Threshold - 17.06.2015, 14:06
Re: Send a Message only once - by SecretBoss - 17.06.2015, 14:13

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