
        if(!IsNumeric(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Characters detected, numbers only.");
		if(!strlen(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "You need to enter an amount to withdraw."), ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, BANK_MENU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFFFF}Las Venturas Bank - Main Menu", "{FFFFFF}Withdraw\nDeposit\nBalance\nTransfer\nCredit\nStatement", "Select", "Cancel");
		if(strval(inputtext) > BankInfo[playerid][Balance])
		    SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Insufficient funds."), ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, BANK_MENU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFFFF}Las Venturas Bank - Main Menu", "{FFFFFF}Withdraw\nDeposit\nBalance\nTransfer\nCredit\nStatement", "Select", "Cancel");
			return 1;
		if(strval(inputtext) > 500000) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "You can only withdraw $500k at a time");
		BankInfo[playerid][Balance] = BankInfo[playerid][Balance] - strval(inputtext);
		GivePlayerCash(playerid, strval(inputtext));
		format(fstr, sizeof(fstr), "You have withdrawn $%d from your bank account. New balance: $%d", strval(inputtext), BankInfo[playerid][Balance]);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, YELLOW, fstr);
		BankInfo[playerid][Transactions] = BankInfo[playerid][Transactions] + 1;
		BankInfo[playerid][Fees] = BankInfo[playerid][Fees] + 4;
		GivePlayerCash(playerid, - 4);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "FEE: You were charged a $4 fee for this transaction.");
		SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "THANKYOU: Thank you for banking with Las Venturas Bank.");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, BANK_MENU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFFFF}Las Venturas Bank - Main Menu", "{FFFFFF}Withdraw\nDeposit\nBalance\nTransfer\nCredit\nStatement", "Select", "Cancel");
		new astring[100];
		format(astring, sizeof(astring), "%s [%d] has withdrawn $%d from their bank account", GetName(playerid), playerid, strval(inputtext));
		SendAdminMessage(GREY, astring);

So i patched a bug today you can withdraw a random 15 number without having them in your bank account
you can withdraw money without you having them help please +rep

Messages In This Thread
Help - by MohammedZ - 16.06.2015, 16:32
Re: Help - by Ritzy2K - 16.06.2015, 16:45
Re: Help - by MohammedZ - 16.06.2015, 17:18
Re: Help - by MohammedZ - 25.06.2015, 20:22

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