15.06.2015, 16:44
how do I see "WHAT CLEO HACK" It is
I mean, I have the .cs file
I've decompiled it an I can read it all.
But where does it say what "hack" it is.
I mean I can post the code to it so you can see what I Mean
I mean, I have the .cs file
I've decompiled it an I can read it all.
But where does it say what "hack" it is.
I mean I can post the code to it so you can see what I Mean
{$CLEO} 0000: NOP 0B34: samp register_client_command "smuggle" to_label @activate 30@ = 0 :First wait 0 if 31@ == 1 then if 0AB1: @is_cp_active 0 then 0AB1: @get_cp_pos 0 1@ 2@ 3@ 00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 1@ 2@ 3@ end if key_down 48 then 31@ = 0 end end jump @First :activate 0B12: 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 samp.CmdRet :is_cp_active IF 0AA2: 0@ = loadlib "samp.dll" THEN 0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 0x212A94 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x24 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 IF 1@ == TRUE THEN 0485: return_true ELSE 059A: return_false END 0AA3: freelib 0@ END 0AB2: ret 0 :get_cp_pos IF 0AA2: 0@ = loadlib "samp.dll" THEN 0A8E: 1@ = 0@ + 0x212A94 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0xC 0A8D: 2@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x4 0A8D: 3@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 0x4 0A8D: 4@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0AA3: freelib 0@ END 0AB2: ret 3 2@ 3@ 4@