VPS Requirements?

Yeah, 512RAM is really on the low-end for a populated server.

I would run some diagnostics though, first, i.e task manager for Windows - it should be obviously maxing out (or closely maxing out) in RAM when the lag is happening/you have a lot of people.

I do think 512mb RAM is really low though for a populated server - We run on a 8gb 4 core dedi (which is TOTAL overkill) fine, but when we ran on a 2gb VPS we often had RAM/CPU issues, mostly because our script is SQL based and having all of that on a lowly VPS does nom RAM and CPU.

Messages In This Thread
VPS Requirements? - by 0B3Y - 12.06.2015, 10:03
Re: VPS Requirements? - by Bartman - 12.06.2015, 10:26
Re: VPS Requirements? - by muzammilfreeman - 12.06.2015, 10:29
Re: VPS Requirements? - by Jake187 - 12.06.2015, 10:39
Re: VPS Requirements? - by 0B3Y - 12.06.2015, 10:50
Re: VPS Requirements? - by Jake187 - 12.06.2015, 11:03
Re: VPS Requirements? - by Sublime - 12.06.2015, 13:35
Re: VPS Requirements? - by Jake187 - 12.06.2015, 13:43
Re: VPS Requirements? - by Parallax - 12.06.2015, 13:54
Re: VPS Requirements? - by 0B3Y - 13.06.2015, 00:16

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