Score doesn't Upgrade..

If I am correct, and I am not sure I am, you have to hide and re-show the textdraw.

Messages In This Thread
Score doesn't Upgrade.. - by KillerDVX - 11.06.2015, 07:59
Re: Score doesn't Upgrade.. - by mamorunl - 11.06.2015, 08:20
Re : Score doesn't Upgrade.. - by KillerDVX - 11.06.2015, 09:17
Re: Score doesn't Upgrade.. - by JaKe Elite - 11.06.2015, 09:26
AW: Score doesn't Upgrade.. - by NaS - 11.06.2015, 10:15
Re : Score doesn't Upgrade.. - by KillerDVX - 11.06.2015, 13:15
Re : Score doesn't Upgrade.. - by KillerDVX - 11.06.2015, 21:13

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