A lot of space beetwen my texts?

Hello KillerDVX, the problem wasn't the brackets. The problem is that you don't writed return 0.

Messages In This Thread
A lot of space beetwen my texts? - by KillerDVX - 10.06.2015, 09:14
Re: A lot of space beetwen my texts? - by buburuzu19 - 10.06.2015, 09:23
Re : A lot of space beetwen my texts? - by KillerDVX - 10.06.2015, 09:42
Re: A lot of space beetwen my texts? - by Konstantinos - 10.06.2015, 09:49
Re : A lot of space beetwen my texts? - by KillerDVX - 10.06.2015, 19:55
Re : A lot of space beetwen my texts? - by KillerDVX - 10.06.2015, 20:06
Re: A lot of space beetwen my texts? - by DarkLouis - 10.06.2015, 20:24

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