Not quite sure whether a 0.3.7 bug or scripting issue

Basically, I attempted to delete the apartment block at Santa Maria beach to replace it with the new 0.3.7 objects, my goal was to give the new interior object a new set of textures. The object can be textured just fine, but there's this issue... Seems like the new interior object gets added IG via the client/sa-mp files itself, so it is collapsing with my textured version. This object does not appear in the editor, but loads even on the test mode of it, and ofc on the server too.

here you can see that my textured version is collapsing with the one I don't know how to get rid of.

Is this a 0.3.7 bug or is there a RemoveBuildingForPlayer line for this? Can't seem to delete it via the editor.

These are the removed objects.

RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 6394, 280.2969, -1606.2031, 72.3984, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 6518, 310.3438, -1546.9688, 69.5625, 0.25);
	RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 6391, 280.2969, -1606.2031, 72.3984, 0.25);
And here's the FS with my object, as you can see, it's only one object used.
SantaMariaBitchHouse = CreateDynamicObject(19597, 280.29691, -1606.20313, 72.39840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(SantaMariaBitchHouse, 5, 10053, "slapart01sfe", "whitedecosfe4", 0);//walls
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(SantaMariaBitchHouse, 6, 12954, "sw_furniture", "CJ_WOOD5", 0);//floor
	SetDynamicObjectMaterial(SantaMariaBitchHouse, 7, 3897, "libertyhi", "indtendark64", 0);//ceiling

Messages In This Thread
Not quite sure whether a 0.3.7 bug or scripting issue - by Wu_Hiraki - 10.06.2015, 16:44

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