[UNSOLVED] make it arrayed


I'm using the folowing code to define factioncars:

pawn Код:
public IsACopCar(carid)
    if((carid >= 35) && (carid <= 60) || carid == 66 || carid == 67 || carid == 91 || carid == 92 || carid == 93 || carid == 36)
      if((carid >= 121) && (carid <= 125) || carid == 45 || carid == 46 || carid == 55 || carid == 59) { return 0; }
        return 1;
    return 0;
how to make an array of carids, so I don't need to retype them?
(I know it's probably very easy, but I didn't find it immidietly in the help, please help me)
thanks in advance, Jonasty

Messages In This Thread
[UNSOLVED] make it arrayed - by pixelhotel - 26.07.2009, 09:56
Re: [UNSOLVED] make it arrayed - by Joe Staff - 26.07.2009, 09:58
Re: [UNSOLVED] make it arrayed - by pixelhotel - 27.07.2009, 10:23

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