26.07.2009, 09:34
It's pretty simple and can be done in many different ways. While reading your posts I had thought of a pretty cool method. Now for the benefit for everyone else I will create the snippet.
This will allow a player to do up to 4 but then only let them do 1 per second, which that 1 will roll over to the next second (allowing a build up of 4 again).
Enjoy it!
pawn Код:
#define MAX_COMMAND_FREQUENCY 4 //effects how many times a player can type a command without being stopped
new PlayerCmdFrq[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Player Command Frequency
forward UpdateCmdFreq();
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[])
SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,"You can't use commands so often.");
return 1;
//Then your commands and everything else go here
public OnGameModeInit()
public UpdateCmdFreq()
for(new playerid;playerid<MAX_PLAYERS;playerid++)
Enjoy it!