{Request} I'm Looking For A Good Scripter For A New RolePlaying Server

Once I finish it, which will take forever alone, I wish to have a full MySQL server going with many jobs such as Body Guard, Drug Dealer, Arms Dealer, Federal Agent, Paramedic, Fire Fighter, Police, Farmer, Whore, Detective, and more. I want eventually every house to be ownable and cars all around the map. Also owned cars will respawn at their saves positions when the owner logs in and will be removed when the player exits. Im just tryna to make a fully roleplaying gamemode.

Messages In This Thread
{Request} I'm Looking For A Good Scripter For A New RolePlaying Server - by Brandon Egdod - 25.07.2009, 22:30
Re: {Request} I'm Looking For A Good Scripter For A New RolePlaying Server - by Brandon Egdod - 26.07.2009, 01:18
Re: {Request} I'm Looking For A Good Scripter For A New RolePlaying Server - by Brandon Egdod - 26.07.2009, 23:01

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