MYSQL - Create columns.

You are doing it wrong. Create one table with columns like id, relatedid and value and then store all info in it. Check wordpress or some other script as reference.

As ****** said, SQL is language which you need to learn like you learned pawn. If you don't want to do that, then stay with saving in files.

Messages In This Thread
MYSQL - Create columns. - by DarkLouis - 07.06.2015, 19:29
Re: MYSQL - Create columns. - by Konstantinos - 07.06.2015, 19:50
Re: MYSQL - Create columns. - by DarkLouis - 08.06.2015, 11:06
Re: MYSQL - Create columns. - by Sergei - 08.06.2015, 11:09
Re: MYSQL - Create columns. - by DarkLouis - 08.06.2015, 11:13
Re: MYSQL - Create columns. - by Sergei - 08.06.2015, 11:18
Re: MYSQL - Create columns. - by DarkLouis - 08.06.2015, 11:19

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