FilterScritp Question.

Thanks for that i was abit like NOOOOOOOOO lol every one has so much stuff but one problem
i only started 2 days ago been played sa-mp for a long time 1year or so and
i learnd scirpting but im sceard im going to muck up my hole filter because when i try to add stuff from other on in scerton areas it just
gives like a big list of error

since certon things go in certon places O.o

Messages In This Thread
FilterScritp Question. - by [DD]FlameOFDeath - 25.07.2009, 02:31
Re: FilterScritp Question. - by abhinavdabral - 25.07.2009, 02:34
Re: FilterScritp Question. - by [DD]FlameOFDeath - 25.07.2009, 02:37

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