Is class select ignored by for loops?

It could do that, yeah. I'm not quite sure.
You could create variable bool:Alive[MAX_PLAYERS] and set it to true each time player spawns. When they die, set it to false and so on. In the loop, just check if the player is alive and set their interior.

Messages In This Thread
Is class select ignored by for loops? - by Aerotactics - 31.05.2015, 06:42
Re: Is class select ignored by for loops? - by dominik523 - 31.05.2015, 08:23
AW: Is class select ignored by for loops? - by NaS - 31.05.2015, 09:20
Re: Is class select ignored by for loops? - by Vince - 31.05.2015, 09:20
Re: Is class select ignored by for loops? - by Aerotactics - 31.05.2015, 10:14

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