Tag mismatch!!

Also look at this
//- mysql connection
#define mysql_host "localhost"
#define mysql_user "root"
#define mysql_password "bg3diti0n"
#define mysql_database "bgeditiontestsamp"

//- news
new DB:sql_handle[50], mysql_handle[50], mysql_conatt = 5, bool:mysql_connected[50] = false;

public OnGameModeInit() {
	mysql_conatt = 5;
	mysql_handle[0] = mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_password);
	if(mysql_errno(mysql_handle[0]) == 0)return print("[DEBUG]: Connected to the MySQL database!"), mysql_connected[0] = true;
	else {
		if(mysql_conatt == 0) {
			mysql_connected[0] = false;
			print("[ERROR]: Could not connect to the MySQL database! Loading the SQLite database.");
			sql_handle[0] = db_open("/Databases/Server.db");
line 30:		SQLTable(sql_handle[0], SQLTYPE_SQLITE, SQLTABLE_ACTION_CREATE, "accounts", "`ID` int(11) NOT NULL, `Username` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `Password` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `IP` varchar(16) NOT NULL");
	return 1;
I'm trying to make two save systems in my gamemode

I also have the same warning but in line 30 from my gamemode

EDIT 2: Sorry for the double posting.

Messages In This Thread
Tag mismatch!! - by bgedition - 28.05.2015, 13:12
Re: Tag mismatch!! - by Konstantinos - 28.05.2015, 13:13
Re: Tag mismatch!! - by bgedition - 28.05.2015, 13:17
Re: Tag mismatch!! - by bgedition - 28.05.2015, 13:24
Re: Tag mismatch!! - by Konstantinos - 28.05.2015, 13:24

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