Unique Cell phone number help

Use random() to get a some number and give it to the player. Save the number into a file or a database. The next time when someone gets a random value for their phone number, go through the database/file and check if the number exists. If it does, generate a new number.

Messages In This Thread
Unique Cell phone number help - by Jakwob - 25.05.2015, 17:23
Re: Unique Cell phone number help - by dominik523 - 25.05.2015, 17:26
Re: Unique Cell phone number help - by Vince - 25.05.2015, 17:28
Re: Unique Cell phone number help - by dominik523 - 25.05.2015, 17:32
Re: Unique Cell phone number help - by Jakwob - 25.05.2015, 17:35
Re: Unique Cell phone number help - by Jakwob - 25.05.2015, 17:39
Re: Unique Cell phone number help - by Crayder - 25.05.2015, 17:47

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