25.05.2015, 05:10
I have this problem too for months now, my hoster said its a bunch of botnets attacking, it doesn't happens with too much people it's almost like an unknown attack around here, it explore UDP + Samp security breaches to make your server frozen, ddos protection doesn't get these attacks because they are too small in scale and they Always says it's an problem with the aplication (layer 7 attack) and they doesn't cover that... and 40mb/s its suficient to freeze your server (explanation from my hoster) you can get ddos protection (that you problably already have) like i did several times and wasted my money and it will not work against this, it's something that need to be assorted especificaly for the SA-MP application (i believe), just don't know how.
(Before someone thinks its an ordinary bot attack the connections doesn't even show on server.log at all at least in my case) |