Originally Posted by Bible
For your third filterscript, this ain't bad.
A few little remarks: - It is easier to use enums for your dialogs (https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/ShowPlayerDialog).
- You can leave out the macro if-statement if you are leaving the gamemode callbacks out.
- Why don't you take a look at alternatives for password hashing? Whirlpool is a good choice.
well thats
Good job, though!
not my 3rd Script i scripted alot before but this is my 3rd shred script so thanks for your suggestions i will try to improve my self in the near future
Originally Posted by FplayerGR
nice job i like MySQL or SQLite but i like all tools ******.
Thanks alot i will try to learn SQLite and MYSQL thanks
EDIT:Released version 2 that uses enums for the dialogs as Bible said
thanks for reading