How to resolve this?

You can only be in range with 1 so you won't be for the other three. Sending the message that is not in range inside the loop isn't good.

PHP код:
new boolin_range;
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid2.0DucanInfo[t][bPosX], DucanInfo[t][bPosY], DucanInfo[t][bPosZ]))
in_range true;
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_DUCANDIALOG_STYLE_LIST"Balkan Godfather-"COL_ZLATNA"Trafika""Bonovi(10$,20$,50$,100$,200$)\nBuket cvijeca(20$)\nKondom(16$)\nCigare(17$)\nUpaljac(10$)\nCola(8$)\nGusti sok(10$)""Kupi""Odustani");
if (!
in_rangeSendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"Moras biti u ducanu ili na trafici!"); 

Messages In This Thread
How to resolve this? - by baba1234 - 20.05.2015, 17:48
Re: How to resolve this? - by Konstantinos - 20.05.2015, 18:37
Re: How to resolve this? - by baba1234 - 20.05.2015, 19:39

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