Vehicle color and paintjob!

Currently, you cannot. You need to know the vehicle ID of those vehicles so you can compare it with the vehicleid of OnVehiclePaintjob. So on creating of the vehicle, store the vehicle ID to your enum-array and then check if they do match. If they do, assign the paintjobid to the variable for that index.

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle color and paintjob! - by kalanerik99 - 20.05.2015, 17:46
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by kyriakos587 - 20.05.2015, 17:53
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by Luis- - 20.05.2015, 17:56
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by Konstantinos - 20.05.2015, 17:58
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by kalanerik99 - 20.05.2015, 17:59
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by kalanerik99 - 20.05.2015, 18:01
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by kyriakos587 - 20.05.2015, 18:05
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by kalanerik99 - 20.05.2015, 18:06
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by Konstantinos - 20.05.2015, 18:15
Re: Vehicle color and paintjob! - by kalanerik99 - 20.05.2015, 18:55

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