20.05.2015, 16:35
Thanks it works.
I also got the same error with the furniture system. I get tihs bug whenever i buy a furniture and done placed the position for it i cant edit it again or delete it. It says i dont own any furniture.
Here is the stock
What version MySQL should i use to use cache?
I also got the same error with the furniture system. I get tihs bug whenever i buy a furniture and done placed the position for it i cant edit it again or delete it. It says i dont own any furniture.
Here is the stock
stock OnPlayerBuyFurniture(houseid, interior, world, furnitureslot, model, price, name[], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) { format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `furnitures` (model, name, houseid, interior, virworld, marketprice, posx, posy, posz) VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %f, %f, %f)", model, name, HouseInfo[houseid][hID], interior, world, price, x, y ,z); mysql_function_query(dbHandle, query, true, "OnFurnitureInsert", "iiiiiis[128]fff", houseid, interior, world, furnitureslot, model, price, name, x, y, z); return 1; } stock OnPlayerEditedFurniture(playerid, furnitureslot, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz) { format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `furnitures` SET `posx` = %f, `posy` = %f, `posz` = %f, `posrx` = %f, `posry` = %f, `posrz` = %f WHERE `id` = %d", x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, FurnitureInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pHouseKey]][furnitureslot][fID]); mysql_function_query(dbHandle, query, true, "OnFurnitureUpdatePos", "iiffffff", playerid, furnitureslot, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz); return 1; } stock OnPlayerSellFurniture(playerid, houseid, furnitureslot) { format(query, sizeof(query), "DELETE FROM `furnitures` WHERE `id` = %d", FurnitureInfo[houseid][furnitureslot][fID]); mysql_function_query(dbHandle, query, true, "OnPlayerSoldFurniture", "idd", playerid, houseid, furnitureslot); return 1; }
What version MySQL should i use to use cache?