OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea - doesn't apply on high speed

Originally Posted by Yashas
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Assuming that you are using streamer.Players positions are compared with pickup,checkpoint,etc positions to check if the player is on a checkpoint/pickup/etc every X milliseconds.X is 50ms by default.

Use Streamer_SetTickRate(rate) and set the rate to 20 or less.By default streamer updates every object/cp/pickup/etc every 50ms.So if you cross the pickup/checkpoint/etc within 50ms and you did it between two cycles then streamer won't detect you passing through the checkpoint/pickup/etc.By decreasing this rate, the CPU usage might go higher.
I will try, thanks.

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea - doesn't apply on high speed - by ranme15 - 18.05.2015, 16:42
Re: OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea - doesn't apply on high speed - by Yashas - 19.05.2015, 05:22
Re: OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea - doesn't apply on high speed - by ranme15 - 19.05.2015, 10:56

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