Checking for GameText text errors

Originally Posted by Vince
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I think that already happens automatically. The server sends an automated message about "unmatched tilde".
No, that only happens with textdraws.

And yes, Luis- heres a function by JernejL AFAIK:

stock issafefortextdraw(str[])
        safetil = -5;

    for (new i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
        if ((str[i] == 126) && (i > safetil))
            if (i >= strlen(str) - 1) 
                return false;

            if (str[i + 1] == 126) 
                return false;

            if (str[i + 2] != 126) 
                return false;

            safetil = i + 2;
    return true;

    if (!issafefortextdraw("~rHELLO WORLD!")) {
    	print("Error: check for ~ errors.");
	if (!issafefortextdraw("~r~HELLO WORLD!")) {
    	print("Its good!");

Messages In This Thread
Checking for GameText text errors - by Luis- - 18.05.2015, 21:08
Re: Checking for GameText text errors - by Vince - 18.05.2015, 21:15
Re: Checking for GameText text errors - by Abagail - 18.05.2015, 21:19
Re: Checking for GameText text errors - by Evocator - 18.05.2015, 22:41
Respuesta: Checking for GameText text errors - by admantis - 18.05.2015, 22:59
Re: Respuesta: Checking for GameText text errors - by PowerPC603 - 18.05.2015, 23:25
Respuesta: Checking for GameText text errors - by admantis - 18.05.2015, 23:47
Re: Checking for GameText text errors - by Gammix - 19.05.2015, 04:49
Re: Checking for GameText text errors - by M0HAMMAD - 19.05.2015, 06:30

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