Help Me Please !!!

A setplayercamerapos :
For find x,y,z
Take the place where you were put your camerapos and /save
Go in saveposition.txd in your folder GTA SAN ANDREAS
Take the last line, it's a AddPlayerClass

AddPlayerClass(277,-2051.2095,66.3206,28.3906,36.2091,42,1,37,200,26,2 20); //Pomper
(skin, Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo)

Float = -2051.2095
Float:y = 66.3206
Float:z = 28.3906

Messages In This Thread
Help Me Please !!! - by boynumber5 - 23.07.2009, 11:55
Re: Help Me Please !!! - by Zidane - 23.07.2009, 12:53

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