16.05.2015, 10:43
Client crash? I don't see anything that could cause that and I doubt something in GetFactionMembers would do as well.
Anyway, this can be improved with a loop:
If the crash has anything to do with the server, load crashdetect plugin.
Anyway, this can be improved with a loop:
PHP код:
new stringz2[2400];
for (new i = 1; i != 15; ++i)
format(stringz2, sizeof(stringz2),"%s{FFFFFF}[%d/%d] %s %s\n", stringz2, GetFactionMembers(i), DynamicFactions[i][fMaxMembers], DynamicFactions[i][fName], (DynamicFactions[i][fApplication] > 0) ? ("{00FF00}[applications online]") : ("{FFFFFF}[{FF0000}applications offline{FFFFFF}]"));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_FACTIONS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Factions", stringz2, "Select", "Cancel");
return 1;